Structured Work Activity Group Upgrade

$ 275.00

The Structured Work Activity Group (SWAG) Upgrade advances the original SWAG files, extending their duration and complexity. In this improved suite of simulated work activities, each of which is graduated in terms of demand, the original SWAG materials have been edited; errors identified and corrected; and the depth, complexity, and duration of the activities extended.

The SWAG Upgrade replaces the original SWAG materials and is the next step for therapists and evaluators who want to integrate demand-structured work simulations into their clinical practice. For a more comprehensive upgrade that includes a professional manual and all printed materials required to administer the SWAGS without the Do-It-Yourself, please see the Structured Work Activity Group (SWAG) Upgrade Plus


The Upgrade Kit is provided on USB Drives:

  • All of the original Washington University electronic files that have been edited and corrected, along with all of the updated SWAG 1 electronic files 
  • Three versions of the Activity 7 telephone messages and the Activity 8 conference room scheduling messages 

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