EPIC Lift Capacity Manual
$ 150.00
This product is only available for purchase by certified ELC evaluators. By ordering this product you certify that you are a certified ELC Evaluator.
For the more than 1,400 professionals around the world who have been trained and certified on the EPIC Lift Capacity test, the fourth edition of the ELC Professional Manual (2012) is now available. The revised manual includes normative data from 4,443 subjects based on test–retest reliability trials of healthy normal males and females ranging in age from 18 years to 60 years. This revision replaces the 2003 ELC Manual as the most recent in the ongoing series of research that began in 1993 to establish the ELC as the gold standard in lift capacity testing.
- Chapter 1: Basic Concepts and Terminology
- Chapter 2: Rationale and Design
- Chapter 3: Test Equipment, Protocols, and Instructions
- Chapter 4: Test Instructions and Administration
- Chapter 5: Scoring, Analysis, and Interpretation, with sample reports
- Chapter 6: Relevant Recent Research
- Appendices with international norms for both absolute and relative lift capacity
Features and Benefits
- The evaluator has a detailed explanation of each of the safety procedures.
- The evaluator is able to provide the correct oral instructions.
- Standardization across evaluators is maintained.
- If you only test on an occasional basis, the manual will quickly refresh your understanding of procedures and safeguards.
No other test is supported by a dedicated ongoing research program underwritten by its developers. No other test:
- Provides both age-stratified and gender-based normative data.
- Provides both absolute and body-mass-relative normative data.
- Considers validity in terms of adequacy for the Physical Demand Characteristics (PDC) level of the subject’s usual and customary job.
Research data and normative standards for each of these are presented in the 2012 edition of the ELC Manual.
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